
Internet Explorer — Hello and Goodbye

Hello, IE9!

Microsoft will release their final version of Internet Explorer 9 tonight at 9:00 pm Pacific Time during the South by Southwest Interactive Festival. You will be able to download your copy here and here.

Sorry XP users, it will only work on systems with Windows Vista or Windows 7 installed. So if you're still using XP (it was a great operating system and got us through a couple of not-so great operating systems) it might finally be time to upgrade.

Goodbye, IE6!

And speaking of upgrading… The worldwide market share for Internet Explorer 6 finally dipped below 5% in December 2010. Web designers and developers all over the world were filled with geeky glee to hear that Microsoft has launched a campaign to rid the web of IE6.

So now you have two choices, if your system uses Windows Vista or Windows 7 you could be among the first to take IE9 out for a spin. If you're using Windows XP, then you'll want to stick with Internet Explorer 8. In either case, you'll have a vastly improved web experience.

Note: If you're using a Mac operating system there is nothing to see here, carry on.