
Building Your Multi-family Brand

With the uptick of new apartment buildings in the Puget Sound region, competition for those signed leases will be high. To capture your market share, there are a few things you should know about renters.

Apartment renters are historically fickle, moving to the latest hip new apartment at the end of every lease. They love the carefree lifestyle of renting – and enjoy being a part of what is new. Consequently, apartment marketing must appeal to their gypsy souls. This is where the fun begins.

Start building a brand with the right name and brand identity that differentiates your apartment community from the competition. Each community has its Unique Selling Proposition (USP). This might be building amenities, location, transportation access, architectural style, luxury, sustainability, views and more. We dug into our archives to share a few favorites that really delivered on their USP.

The Bravern — modern luxury lifestyle
Island Square — classic Mercer Island style
Equinox — South Lake Union living
Site 17 — funky, old time Belltown vibe

Great branding and design as the foundation of a robust marketing program quickly delivered signed leases for these communities.

Who is the one-stop design firm for naming, branding, web design, mobile sites, SEO, social media, blogs, online ads, eblasts, newsletters, and events? It’s Effective Design Studio! We are creators of robust marketing programs that get the word out and the renters in. Find out more by contacting us today.

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